After reasing this article everybody will be able to run Avalanche on his/her Windows 10 easily…
May be not professional but it is an easy howto guide
First lets download latest release from Ava Labs github page. At this example it is 1.6.0 version you can try latest version at the future too
Make a directory called AVAX wherever you want
In my example it is:
and unzip to that directory
At first Run your powershell from windows start menu and programs and navigate your avax directory
At command prompt:
write and press enter, we have fired up avalanche node
It starts bootstrapping (i prefer synching nicer word for me but at avalanche it is bootstrapping) and it takes approximately 50 minutes at the time of this writing. After it finishes bootstrapping lets start with curl commands
First Lets get our node-id after that we will create a user and an X address
curl -method POST -URI “” -ContentType ‘application/json’ -Body ‘{“jsonrpc”:”2.0",”id” :1,”method” :”info.getNodeID”}’ -UseBasicParsing
To create a user:
curl -method POST -URI “” -ContentType ‘application/json’ -Body ‘{“jsonrpc”:”2.0",”id” :1,”method” :”keystore.createUser”, “params” :{ “username”:”mahof” , “password”:”password”} }’ -UseBasicParsing
Do not write “password” use letters and numbers or it will warn you “password is too weak”
Backup your user:
curl -method POST -URI "" -ContentType 'application/json' -Body '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id" :1,"method" :"keystore.exportUser", "params" :{ "username":"mahof" , "password":"password"} }' -UseBasicParsing
To create X address
curl -method POST -URI “” -ContentType ‘application/json’ -Body ‘{“jsonrpc”:”2.0",”id” :1,”method” :”avm.createAddress”, “params” :{ “username”:”mahof” , “password”:”password”} }’ -UseBasicParsing
To backup X address
curl -method POST -URI “” -ContentType ‘application/json’ -Body ‘{“jsonrpc”:”2.0",”id” :1,”method” :”avm.exportKey”, “params” :{ “username”:”mahof” , “password”:”password”, “address”: “X-avax1ms2r3u06gwlfluxxwvlnfn6c5dsgpgj2pvverr”} }’ -UseBasicParsing
Lets ask how the node is with health check api
C:\users\tr\avax> curl -method POST -URI “ “ -ContentType ‘application/json’ -Body ‘{“jsonrpc”:”2.0",”id” :1,”method” :”health.getLiveness”}’ -UseBasicParsing
We can run Avalanche node like this example . Validator node owners can run a Windows node and learn more about curl commands or try to restore their node id s to the windows node and see if their backups are valid and working.
Or you can run the node as below parameters
./avalanchego -network-id=fuji
and get more information and learnabout how AVALANCHE works
You can get test avax from and make simple improvements and test the AVALANCHE network