In this article, I will try to tell how you can stake on Stargaze.
If you want to stake at Stargaze, you will need to have a cosmos wallet the most usefull one is Keplr wallet, you can get it from:
After you install the extension create a new account.
Backup your mnemonic.
After that verify the keys your wallet is ready to use.
Now you will get some $STARS to stake them on Stargaze.
You can use osmosis dex since there is enough liquidty to buy some $STARS.
First connect your wallet and then buy some $STARS.
After you got your $STARS withdraw those $STARS from the assets tab left to your wallet.
Now you are ready to stake your $STARS.
Lets go to:
This is the stake screen you can select a validator and delegate your $STARS to that validator.
Choose your validator.
Enter tokens to delegate and click the delegate button.
After you approve the transaction,
you are done.